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种族权益 & NCLM特别工作组

种族权益 Image.png

Perhaps NCLM’s greatest attribute is its diversity, as we see its value across North Carolina every day. Our cities and towns have many differences. 它们有大的和小的,城市的和农村的,山区的和沿海的和农业的. They are comprised of citizens of all races, ages and backgrounds. And it is because of—not in spite of—these differences that we thrive, both culturally and economically. 

这就是为什么作为一个会员组织,在影响北卡罗来纳州城镇的所有问题上提供援助, NCLM认为,以一种增强地方在种族问题上的领导力的方式参与进来是至关重要的, 股本 and 股本-related issues. By leading with our collective values, the NCLM recognizes we must, 首先也是最重要的, 了解我们自己在支持系统性种族主义和不平等方面的历史和作用,以真实而有力的方式向前发展. In order to have future-forward, viable and thriving economies, 城市和城镇必须在政策制定中以种族平等为中心,以潜在地克服地方社区中存在的代际差异.​

种族权益 Task Force Members

  • Jennifer Robinson, Council Member, Cary | Chair
  • William 哈里斯, Commissioner, Fuquay-Varina | Co-Chair
  • Dennis Barber, Mayor, Newport
  • Michael Bell, Council Member, Wilson
  • Steve Rao, Council Member, Morrisville
  • Preston Blakely, Fletcher
  • Valerie Jones, Mayor Pro-Tem, Sedalia
  • Bobby Kilgore, Mayor, Monroe
  • Jeff MacIntosh, Council Member, Winston-Salem
  • Mark Anthony Middleton, Council Member, Durham
  • Malcolm Graham, Council Member, Charlotte
  • Pat Taylor, Mayor, Highlands
  • Monica Daniels, Council Member, Greenville
  • Brenda Lyerly, Mayor, Banner Elk



​April 22, 2021 | NCLM特别工作组 Releases Report on 种族权益

A new report from the N.C. 市政365足彩下载的城市领导人对种族平等的影响特别工作组呼吁北卡罗来纳州的城镇审查过去影响少数民族住房所有权的政策, 并参与正在进行的关于种族和警务实践的公开讨论,作为解决种族平等问题的更广泛努力的一部分.

这份报告, the result of five months of work by the 14-member task force, was released Thursday during NCLM’s CityVision 2021 annual conference. 该小组于2020年7月由NCLM董事会任命,此前董事会围绕乔治·弗洛伊德的死亡进行了讨论, 呼吁种族正义,以及该组织如何做出具体回应, 有效的方法.

全州各地的市政当局都在努力解决如何促进种族平等的问题,即将离任的NCLM主席、加里市议会议员詹妮弗·罗宾逊说, who co-chaired the task force. “The collective energy and effort of the task force members will, 我希望, 使北卡罗莱纳州的所有市政当局更容易解决棘手的问题, take a good look at their policies and practices, and then step out to make real change.”

工作队的审查和随后的建议集中在包括住房在内的领域, 治安, infrastructure location and leadership development. 它的目标是找到城市和NCLM自己能带来改变的方法, rather than calls for state or federal policy-level changes. 

这份报告’s recommendations are:

  • 城市和城镇考虑检查他们自己的历史实践,这些实践与红线和其他政策有关,这些政策可能会损害少数民族的住房拥有率, home values and wealth accumulation.
  • 城市和城镇, as they can afford to do so, 提供激励措施,鼓励在历史上被划定为红线的社区或其他因过去歧视性政策而处于不利地位的社区进行投资.
  • 城市和城镇 consider targeted approaches and strategies, such as Target Universalism, 解决过去的政策和决定造成的不平等,这些政策和决定已经并将继续导致这些地区的居民遭受经济损失, 教育上, socially and from a health standpoint.
  • 城市和城镇 make investments in social infrastructure, like parks and libraries, in historically neglected or redlined neighborhoods, 或者那些由于不理想的公共设施或地理位置而处于不利地位的人.
  • 城市和乡镇考虑对他们的警务进行评估,检查种族平等和共同社区意识的方法.
  • 城市和城镇为勇敢和勇敢地参与种族问题创造了有意的空间和论坛, 股本, justice and 治安.
  • 城镇与NCLM和州合作伙伴合作,更好地识别, 利用, 并赢得联邦政府提供的广泛拨款奖励,以支持更好地培训和教育警官.
  • 为城市和城镇官员提供教育和培训机会,以建立一种共同的理解和语言,以便在地方一级进行对话.

Fuquay-Varina Town Commissioner William 哈里斯, who co-chaired the task force, 他说,他希望这些建议能“让人们更加意识到系统性种族主义的影响,以及它如何影响当选领导人对自己的看法。, and their responsibility to all citizens in promoting 股本, fairness and justice.”

哈里斯, chosen this week as NCLM’s second vice president, 他说,他预计该组织将提供促进变革的咨询和教育工具.

In addition to the co-chairs, 帮助制定报告调查结果和建议的其他工作组成员是新港市长丹尼斯·巴伯, Wilson Council Member Michael Bell, Fletcher Council Member Preston Blakely, Greenville Council Member Monica Daniels, Charlotte Council Member Malcolm Graham, Sedalia Mayor Pro Tem Valerie Jones, Monroe Mayor Bobby Kilgore, Banner Elk Mayor Brenda Lyerly, Winston-Salem Council Member Jeff MacIntosh, Durham Council Member Mark Anthony-Middleton, 莫里斯维尔市议员史蒂夫·拉奥和高地市长帕特里克·泰勒.

The full report can be found at​


365体育足彩董事会成立了一个由14名成员组成的特别工作组,负责审查各城镇为解决种族不平等及相关问题可采取的实际步骤. 正式名称是城市领导人对种族平等的影响特别工作组, 该组织的目标是帮助各城市更好地理解和改善影响种族平等的地方政策.

“我们的目的是确定每个城市在面临这些挑战时可以采取的切实行动,” said Task Force Co-Chair Jennifer Robinson, who is NCLM president and council member for the Town of Cary. “特别, 我们想问并回答以下问题:NCLM如何帮助我们的会员获得他们需要的工具和信息,以解决他们所在城镇的种族平等和相关问题?”

NCLM执行主任保罗·迈耶对所有会员的服务表示感谢. 他指出,城市和城镇最适合解决种族平等的主要问题.

“城市和城镇 have more at stake. Our members – elected officials and staff – see the effects. 他们一直在努力寻求解决办法,并决心继续这样做. “This effort can bring about more widespread change.”

哈里斯, who co-chairs the task force, 他说,将全州各地的地方领导人聚集在一起,对于找到最佳方法至关重要.

“I look at each of us as stakeholders,” 哈里斯 told members on Friday. “Hopefully, out of this, we can build the consensus to move forward.”

​Staff from the National League of Cities involved in its Race, Equity and Leadership initiative will assist in the task force’s work. 该小组预计将在2021年春季举行会议,届时提出建议.  ​